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How to do your own medal ceremony

Congratulations on completing your Marathon Swims Virtual Challenge!

Swimming 25k or 10k is an amazing achievement. The dedication and determination shown by our virtual challengers has been super-impressive. Not only completing the Ultra Marathon 25k or Marathon 10k but also dealing with restricted pool access, plunging temperatures (if open water) and everything else that 2020 has thrown at us.

Therefore, we think your achievements deserve audience. Despite us not being able to host Marathon Swims at the London Aquatics Centre this year, you can still have your moment of glory with a Medal Ceremony all of your own. Here's a quick step by step guide on how to arrange your very own Marathon Swims Virtual Challenge medal ceremony:

  1. Enter the Marathon Swims Virtual Challenge 2020 and make sure you buy a medal - Entries close 20 Dec 2020

  2. Complete your Marathon Swims Virtual Challenge (Marathon 10k or Ultra Marathon 25k) before midnight 31 December 2020

  3. Upload your results here (more details on how to upload your results available here)

  4. Receive your Marathon Swims medal in the post - NOW The fun begins :)

  5. Get the help of someone else (this will need to be someone within your household or support bubble), oh and you'll need two phones

  6. On one phone, search online for some appropriate 'medal ceremony music' (of your choice) and be ready to play. The other phone will be used to film the ceremony

  7. Stand on a box (podium) and have your friend ready with your medal on a cushion

  8. PLAY MUSIC and START your filming your very own medal ceremony

  9. Over to you for your creative talent and any extras you'd like to include :)

  10. Upload your video to social media and make sure you tag us into your post (@MarathonSwims) and use the hastag (#MarathonSwimsVirtualChallenge) and SHARE

We look forward to seeing your amazing medal ceremonies to celebrate your amazing achievements


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