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Just 365 days left to swim the Channel

Rule change leaves Channel Swimmers treading water!

Authorities today confirmed the previous speculation that they are considering a rule change to ban attempts swim the English Channel. From April 2019 swimmers will no longer be able to attempt the iconic challenge due to increased shipping traffic in the Channel.

“The English Channel is the busiest waterway in the world. The rule change is required due to the disruption caused by swimmers and their pilot boats in international shipping lanes.” stated Monsieur Hoaks of the French Ports Authority.

In a move to counter the objection from the marathon swimming community, it has been suggested that anyone wanting to take on a challenge of swimming 34km in open seas does so by swimming around the Isle of Wight instead.

Swimming the English Channel is the original and most famous Marathon Swim. The amazing feat was first achieved by Captain Matthew Webb in 1875 and has since been achieved by thousands of Marathon Swimmers. No UK Government official was available for comment.

1 April 2018

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